Tools of War - an open database of foreign machine tools used by the Russian military-industrial complex

14:14, 27.02.2024

The NACP, with the support of the ESCU, has launched a platform featuring a database of foreign machine tools used in Russian military plants. 

Most modern Russian weapons are manufactured using foreign-made equipment. Despite the ongoing war against Ukraine, Russia persists in increasing weapon production. Existing sanctions and control measures fail to deter Russia from acquiring the required foreign equipment and spare parts. 

Following the commencement of the full-scale invasion, most manufacturers ceased supplying their equipment to Russia. However, countries considered "friendly to Russia," such as China, Turkey, and Central Asian nations, continue to provide support. 

Hence, "Tools of War" was established — an open database aiding manufacturers and competent government agencies globally in gathering evidence and scrutinizing supply chains for dual-use and military goods. The goal is to thwart aggressors and other sanctioned regimes from using high-precision foreign equipment in weapon production. 

The website furnishes comprehensive information on the equipment, including photos, names, manufacturers, country of origin, relevant factories, Russian importers, foreign suppliers, and weapons manufactured with this equipment. Additionally, the site presents evidence of each machine's use in plants and features sanctioned lists of individuals and entities. 

Manufacturers are urged to enhance tracking of exported equipment, preventing it from reaching aggressors. They should discontinue their presence in the Russian market, both as manufacturers and distributors, and refrain from trading with sanctioned or sanctions-evading countries. This strategy will safeguard producers' reputations from the repercussions of conflicts initiated or planned by aggressors in the future.